Classroom visits
The importance of a successful transition to school cannot be overstated. With this in mind, all Kindergarten students attending Murray Farm Public School in 2025 are warmly welcomed to come along and meet the Kindergarten teachers and have a taste of Kindergarten on two occasions in Term 4. During this time your child will play, sing, listen to a story and play games. Teachers will use this time to get to know your child.
If you have applied to be enrolled in Murray Farm Public School, the invitation to these sessions will be emailed to you.
Kindergarten 2025 First Day
Kindergarten students will begin school on Monday 6 February 2025 Read the Welcome to MFPS book below with your child to orient them to the first week of school.
If your child will no longer be attending Murray Farm Public School or will be attending later than the Kindergarten start date, it is important that you notify the school by either email or telephone.
Best Start
All children come to school with different levels of literacy and numeracy. Some are familiar with books, can recognise letters, write their name or count to ten, while others have not yet learnt these skills. Our school, like all Department of Education schools, takes part in Best Start. Best Start is an opportunity for kindergarten staff to see where children are enterting school for the first time. Staff observe, interview and assess children's skills in a range of areas including literacy and numeracy. This is not a test and there is no need to prepare your child for it.
At the end of the assessment period Kindergarten parents will receive a Best Start report, that will explain exactly what your child has completed and areas staff will be working on.
BEST START Kindergarten: Parent and carer information sheet
Best Start Kindergarten Assessment - Parent and carer summary information
Welcome to MFPS: A view of the school from a Kindergarten and teddy bear perspective.
MFPS Kindergarten Welcome Book (PDF version)
Uniform Murray Farm Public School
Flexischools Order Instruction
Other resources
Useful tips and activites in the lead-up to Kindergarten
Daisy's_First_Day (storybook)