Murray Farm Public School

A Great Place to Be

Telephone02 9871 5952

Stage 1 Scienzaviva Incursion 2024

Stage 1 students will be participating in a science incursion run by Scienza Viva.
In this activity the class will make a distinction between the atmosphere close to the surface of the Earth, and space, looking at cloud formation and the light we see. They will identify the Earth as a planet orbiting around a star (the Sun), and the Moon as on object orbiting around the Earth. They will use models to examine the Earth and other planets, their sizes and relative distances from the Sun and how theirorbits work. As well, they will examine the interactions between Sun, Earth and Moon which give rise to day and night, phases of the Moon and seasons. They will examine some of the means by which discoveries are made.To finish, the class will assemble a simple sun compass to keep.
Scienza Viva is a program developed to actively engage students in the processof science. Its very much Learning by Doing, with a real scientist combining genuine learning with firsthand experience of the scientificmethod.
Murray Farm Public School